Watershed statistics – Brahmaputra
- Country: China, India, Bangladesh
- Large-scale drainage area: SE Asia (Indian Ocean)
- Drainage: 651,334 km2
- Runoff: 587 km3/year
- Suspended sediment: 665 Mt/year
- Population density: 174 people/km2
- Large cities: 14
- Cropland: 14%
- Developed: 3%
- Modified land area: 32%
- Forest loss: 73%
- Large dams: 0
Watershed statistics – Ganges
- Country: China, India, Bangladesh, Nepal
- Large-scale drainage area: SE Asia (Indian Ocean)
- Drainage: 1,016,104 km2
- Runoff: 445 km3/year
- Suspended sediment: 500 Mt/year
- Population density: 375 people/km2
- Large cities: 82
- Cropland: 71%
- Developed: 8%
- Modified land area: 79%
- Forest loss: 85%
- Large dams: 6
- Sediment trapping efficiency: 0.01 (fraction)
Reference: Revenga, C., S. Murray, J. Abramovitz, and A. Hammond, 1998. Watersheds of the World: Ecological Value and Vulnerability. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute.

Ganges-Brahmaputra watershed © Greg Fiske, WHRC